When Overwhelm Hits: Seeking Strength in the Source

We’ve all been there—those moments when life feels like it’s moving at lightning speed, and despite our best efforts, we just can’t seem to catch up. As a mom, wife, and someone trying to keep it all together, I’ve had my fair share of breakdowns when overwhelm hits. With the start of a new school year and dance season for my girls, things have been non-stop. More than once, I’ve felt completely overwhelmed, and if I’m being real, I’ve had a few good cries about it.

In the past, I would feel guilty for feeling this way. I’d think, “Why am I complaining? Isn’t this exactly what I prayed for?” But one thing I’ve come to understand is that it’s okay to feel what we feel. Emotions, even the difficult ones, don’t mean that we’re ungrateful for our blessings. It just means we’re human. And who better to look to for comfort when overwhelm hits than Jesus himself?

Even Jesus Felt Overwhelmed

When we look at the life of Jesus, we see that he wasn’t immune to feeling overwhelmed. In fact, one of the most profound moments of his ministry is when he faced the reality of his crucifixion. The Bible tells us that, in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus was so deeply distressed and anxious that he sweated blood (Luke 22:44). Can you imagine being so burdened by what’s ahead that your body physically reacts in such a way?

But here’s what’s most important: what did Jesus do when he felt this way? He didn’t lash out at his disciples. He didn’t complain. He prayed. He went directly to his Father—our Father—and sought comfort and strength. That simple, yet powerful act is such a great reminder for us when we feel like we’re drowning in our responsibilities.

Finding Comfort in God’s Presence When Overwhelm Hits

It’s okay to feel overwhelmed, to feel anxious, or even to cry. But the key is, what do we do next? Do we allow those feelings to take over, causing us to lash out or shut down? Or do we turn to God, the source of all peace, for relief? 

Matthew 11:28-30 invites us to lay our burdens at His feet: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

I’ve clung to these verses recently. When overwhelm hits, I remind myself that it’s okay to come to God with everything that feels heavy, knowing that He will lighten the load. God’s invitation to us is to seek Him in all things, especially when the weight of life becomes too much to bear.

Learning to Let Go of Guilt

One of the hardest lessons I’ve had to learn during this season is letting go of guilt. When I first started to consider stepping back from my online business, I was flooded with guilt. I worried about letting down those who had found encouragement through my work, and even my daughter asked why I was “quitting.” But here’s the thing—I’m not quitting. I’m choosing to realign my priorities for this season, and that’s okay.

In moments of guilt, I remind myself of Ecclesiastes 3:1, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” We must learn to recognize the season we’re in and adjust our pace and focus accordingly. For me, that means focusing on my faith, my family, and my mental wellness right now. 

Seeking Strength When Overwhelm Hits

If you find yourself in a similar season of overwhelm, I want to encourage you to take these simple steps to seek strength in God:

1. Pray Honestly – Lay your burdens before God in prayer, just as Jesus did. Tell Him what’s on your heart, no matter how heavy it may feel.

2. Meditate on Scripture – Reflect on passages like Matthew 11:28-30, which remind us that God is our refuge and strength.

3. Release the Guilt – Know that it’s okay to prioritize yourself and your mental health. When overwhelm hits, it’s impossible to give when you’re running on empty.

4. Reach Out for Support – Whether it’s family, friends, or a trusted counselor, don’t be afraid to seek help when you need it.

Embrace the Journey

We all face ups and downs, mountains and valleys, but the key is knowing where our strength lies. When overwhelm hits, know that it’s not a sign of failure; it’s a signal to pause and turn to God for the peace and comfort that only He can provide.

Take time today to embrace where you are in your journey, and don’t forget that God is with you every step of the way, offering His strength for every burden you carry.

Remember, you don’t have to carry everything on your own. When overwhelm hits, God is always ready to lighten your load and give you rest. Keep seeking Him, and you’ll find the strength to continue your journey.

Scripture References:
Luke 22:44 – Jesus’ distress in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Matthew 11:28-30 – Jesus’ invitation to bring our burdens to Him.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 – A reminder that there is a season for everything.

Join the Discussion: What scriptures or prayers do you lean on when you’re feeling overwhelmed? Share your thoughts in the comments, or connect with me on Instagram to continue the conversation.

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